Posh D-Centa
POSH D- Centa – the first and only capsules in Europe containing powdered placenta! Due to its properties all the agents quickly and easily penetrate to blood and skin and you can notice first effect even within a week of using it!
- strengthens libido of men and women
- affects our health and our psychophysical well-being
- improves blood circulation and resistance
- rejuvenates
- stimulates our vitality
1 package contains 30 capsules = monthly therapy
Sourcing process of fresh deer placenta
Natural fresh deer placenta

Natural fresh deer placenta is sustainably sourced from the red deer bred in the pristine grasslands of New Zealand.
The animals are being bred in a special way: they use so called free range. Only their health and cleanliness are being controlled up to date – without any excessive interference and medicalisation. Only to make sure that placenta keeps all the natural aspects.
Placenta (womb bedding) is sourced naturally – at the delivery, when newborns don’t need it anymore outside mother’s womb. This is why the amount of placenta used for the production is limited and its availability results from the natural process and reproductive cycle. Young animals stay with their mother, making the population of those beautiful animals bigger and bigger.
Freeze-drying technology

Fresh deer placenta is extracted and preserved with the freeze-drying technology.
Living cells can be preserved and remain bioactive for 3-4 years. Each capsule is produced from 2000 mg fresh deer placenta and concentrated to 20:1 ratio.
After delivery placenta is processed with freeze-drying technology (water is removed in a very low temperature). It is a long-lasting process but it is why the product keeps its properties and cells remain live and bioactive even for 3-4 years more! This is why we can reap their benefits with Posh D-Centa.

German Enteric Coating Technology.
An excellent quality of polished coating withstands gastric acids to ensure maximum absorption in small intestine. Absorption increased by 3-4 times.
We take care of every production stage. The capsules’ content is inside specially designed shells which melt only in small intestines. This is why we do not lose a fraction of precious ingredients that bring health and youth back to us, and the effectiveness of absorption increases by 3-4 times!
Nitrogen Filling Technology

Capsule is filled with nitrogen to prevent oxidation and denaturation of the bioactive materials.
To protect the content at the end of the production process the capsules are being filled with Nitrogen what prevents oxidation of each and every ingredient. This is why they do not denaturate – irreversible changes which would have brought to losing all the bioactive properties.
The process used while producing Posh D-Centa guarantees that the product we receive is of the highest quality, natural and the same effective as each and every of the elements directly after it is given by nature.
It is the first of our products in the whole Europe!
We chose this one because besides rejuvenating effect (it contains 8 natural antioxidants), beauty effect (3 ingredients to improve firmness, moist and elasticity of your skin), it also stimulated your libido, both men and women. If taken on regular basis, constantly it positively affects blood supply to organs so that we can enjoy full activity and satisfaction from every sphere of our lives for a long time.
Using Posh D-Centa we support or well-being – and this is something only celebrities and the rich of a modern world could have had!
Frequently asked questions
It is the first of our products in the whole Europe!
We chose this one because besides rejuvenating effect (it contains 8 natural antioxidants), beauty effect (3 ingredients to improve firmness, moist and elasticity of your skin), it also stimulated your libido, both men and women. If taken on regular basis, constantly it positively affects blood supply to organs so that we can enjoy full activity and satisfaction from every sphere of our lives for a long time.
Using Posh D-Centa we support our well-being – and this is something only celebrities and the rich of a modern world could have had!
- affects our health and our psychophysical well-being
- strengthens libido of men and women
- improves blood circulation and immunity
The placenta is the organ that provides ‘life’ to a foetus in its mother’s body. The placenta serves as a passage for the transfer of nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the foetus, hence its importance and reference to as ‘life’. Due to its role, the placenta is rich in amino acid, protein, vitamins (e.g. B1, B2, B6, B12, C, D and E) as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc.
The placenta has always been considered a ‘by-product’ that is discarded upon the birth of a mammal. Nevertheless, it is believed that the placenta has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for restoration and treatment of various chronic diseases more than 5,000 years ago.
Modern placenta therapy is believed to be first credited to a Soviet surgeon named Vladimir Filatov in the 1930s, when he noticed that pregnant women were very healthy during the third trimester of pregnancy period as well as six months after delivery. From there, he began conducting various experimentation and research that eventually developed a then-new scientific term known as “placenta therapy”. Nothing significant has happened since then, and it is only until recent years that the potential and efficacy of placenta therapy for beauty has been realised and then promoted.
While there are rare cases in which human placenta is used to enhance health and beauty, placenta used for beauty are of animal origins. Sheep placenta is the most common placenta used due to its close similarity to human placenta. Goat placenta is used too, and recently deer placenta. The placentas are treated, processed and added into various forms of products – injections, capsules, creams, serums, ampoules, masks and balms.
After its health properties were discovered, placenta began to be used widely as health supplements. Soon, its potential as an effective form of various beauty treatment was unravelled too. Placenta therapy was found to boast of a number of benefits:
- An anti-ageing treatment through the use of stem cells to erase wrinkles and tighten sagging skin. Stem cells help to promote the formation of collagen, elastic fibres and glycoproteins, making the skin appear firmer, tighter and hence, younge
- Skin whitening or skin lightening by rejuvenating the body and skin. Through the rehabilitation of malfunctioning cells, old and damaged cells are replaced to reveal a healthier, vibrant and fairer skin tone.
- Moisturising and hydrating the skin with its high concentration of Vitamin E, which helps to neutralise free radicals in the body. Therefore, placenta therapy helps the skin to retain its natural moisture for a longer period of time.
- Regulate the production of facial sebum, which is a known cause for acne formation as the natural oils trap dirt on the surface of the skin
- Regenerate skin tissue, as well as promote cell growth and blood circulation in the skin
- Reduce the multiple effects of skin blemishes, acne, acne scars and large pores
- Helps to improve elasticity and texture of the skin
- Helps to improve facial pores and encourage radiance in the skin.
Placenta therapy is not limited to just skincare; beautiful hair has also been credited to placenta therapy. Users have reported that their hair felt softer and moisturised upon using products containing the nutrient-rich placenta. Placenta has also helped to stem baldness by stimulating new follicles and reducing hair fall.
With the various benefits, an increasing number of women, and even men, have sought placenta therapy at dermatology clinics or consumed placenta products that are easily available in pharmacies nowadays.
Enough to say that our products do not contain any other ingredients than natural ones. Mixture of oils, pine bark extracts, astaxanthin, squalene, marine collagen, alga and placenta itself – with no additional “E”. Feel invited to read our articles at www.lifenature.com.pl – all about the ingredients that we use in our products.
Established in 2006, the company has successfully launched a number of health and beauty products such as their best-selling sheep placenta ranges. Throughout the years, the company has been dedicated to bringing the best and stringent quality health and beauty products that are both beneficial for beautification and wellness purpose. Today, the company has dominated the sheep placenta market in Malaysia. Our partner is also widely recognised in numerous Asian countries including Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong and China.
For our partner maintaining the quality standard is our number-one priority. Suffice to say, every product range is strictly bound to National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau (NPCB) practices. Our partner also adheres to the multiple practices of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and Good Storage Practice (GSP) while the laboratory tests for every product range is recognised by the international firms such as Health Singapore Authority (HSA).
Before introducing Posh D-Centa in Europe we had several research made, at the NATIONAL MEDICINES INSTITUTE and independently – at the J.S. HAMILTON POLAND SA laboratories. Thanks to the research made our product had been verified for the presence of heavy metals and forbidden substances. They are free also from any microbiological, chemical pollutions, from molds and mushrooms and nosogenic bacteria. It has been confirmed by reports NMI (NIL in Poland) no BR-0160-161-19 and Hamilton report no 130710/19/SGDY.
Placenta Benefits for Youth in their twenties
Youths lead an active lifestyle. At the age of 20 and above, they set their focus on their studies and career. At this maturing age, they are vibrant, filled with positive energy and have a lot of time on their hands to experiment, learn from mistakes and accumulate a certain dose of experience.
Career development is always their priority. In other words, the youths today need the vitality of life and mental focus. As the saying goes, “Youthfulness starts from within”, youths can stay healthy and youthful by choosing smartly the right products to consume. Placenta is the way to go.
Placenta products which are formulated for youths will help nourish their body, provide the energy and stamina they need. For those who are studying, it is good as it helps sharpen their focus with nutrients for the brain. Female youths need not worry much when it comes to menstruation problem. Placenta helps manage menstruation by balancing their hormone level. As placenta contains abundant cell building blocks, active-growth factors, antioxidants and skin-beautifying ingredients, it will enhance the youthfulness of the skin. For youths who tend to have open pore skins due to their active body metabolism and injuries, placenta can help regulate natural sebum production and reduce open pores. At this young age, allergies are common. However, placenta with its natural nutrients can help minimise allergic reaction. All in all, placenta products are suitable for youths when they are specially formulated for their age.
Ref: http://www.bellybelly.com.au/birth/placenta-encapsulation/ and http://placentabenefits.info/research.asp
Placenta Benefits for Adults in their thirties
“Life begins at 30”. That is what many people said. True. At age 30 and above, the pace of life starts to move faster as your career picks up. It is also at this age that you start having your own family. Success starts at this ripe age especially after they work their way up the ladder of success in their twenties. People in their thirties learn from mistakes in the past and know how to handle their finance better. At this age, they need to strike a balance between their personal health and career.
Placenta products are health supplements with all the important nutrients needed for this age. As women enter their thirties, their fertility naturally declines. They may not notice much changes in menstrual cycle but their body is undergoing changes. For men in their thirties, their energy and stamina level is not as great as in their twenties. Placenta which have growth factors and peptide proteins will help boost the energy levels, repairing and rejuvenating the cells and ultimately, the body itself. With placenta, your body will have more resistance to sun burn and repair damage caused by injuries. Placenta also helps boost the level of confidence through healthy looking skin and hair. Consumers will experience glossier and healthier hair due to the rich nutrients and repair properties of placenta. In short, placenta is the much needed supplement at this age when you need to strike a balance between your health and personal life.
Placenta Benefits Adults in their forties and Golden Age
When you reach your forties, you will pull back the fast pace of your life. Your physical and psychological health tend to take a dive. Men will experience sudden drop in estrogen and testosterone production and hence, they may start to experiencing andropause. Women in their late forties and fifties will experience menopause. With all these imbalance of hormones, people at this age will need to find a solution that can help boost their hormone level as well provide them with nutritional properties needed for their body.
Placenta products help maintain the hormonal balance of their body. It also boosts their stamina and immune system. Placenta also has anti-inflammatory properties and hence, promotes fast recovery of wounds and reduces radiation effects. For those with arthritis pain, placenta will be a great help to reduce the pain. In fact, you can experience youthful looking skin as it helps rejuvenate dull skin cells, lightens freckles, pigmentation and dark spots. And therefore, forties may seem like thirties! For those who may be facing some sexual problems, placenta products can help improve their libido and provide the energy and stamina they need. Other health benefits include healing properties like stroke. It was reported that stroke patients also benefitted from placenta. Stroke happens due to cerebrovascular congenial defects but with placenta which provides rich nutrients to their brain and body, stroke patients gradually manage to improve their health condition. As people age, they may experience insomnia but with a balanced hormone and endocrine system boosted by placenta, people can enjoy a good sleep all the way. In a nutshell, placenta is definitely highly recommended for those in their forties and in their golden age.